Hey, D-Friends!

February Crataegus laevigata be a shorter month, simply that doesn't mean our Diabetes Online Community is short of amazing content! With make love in the air As usual this Valentine's month, we wanted to follow that theme aside viewing our make out for fellow D-Bloggers who've bared their hearts and souls once again in a month of outstanding posts.

Hera we come with this calendar month's collection of some of the top "must-reads" that caught our heart,in no particular order:

We enjoyed reading this "Insulin Have it off Story" from T2 blogging friend Kate Cornell over at Sweet Succeeder, about a small shift that's made her more relaxed and happy after finally determination a healthcare provider willing to listen to her and prescribe insulin accordingly. We go for more medical professionals exact note of this, too.

The annual #SpareARose campaign unfold the purport of caring roughly the macrocosm, straight from the pocketbooks of many in the D-Community who contributed elfin donations. Afterward the final exam tally was calculated, we'atomic number 75 told past the non-profit organizer Life for a Youngster that our community embossed $34,339 (!) to assistanc rough 572 young people across the globe access insulin and D-education. Way to go, all!

We also loved this On the far side Type 1 blog spot by "Type Awesome" economize Jorge Aguilar, whose married woman lives with T1D. In her honor, He wrote about having "A Pancreas For My Wife."

Talking of love in the air, we were ecstatic to see that our good friend D-Pa Tom Karlya, marked his daughter's wedding ceremony this past month! It brought tears to our own eyes, reading Tom's post about this magical time, titled "What Surpasses Crying of Joyousness?…" Congrats to Kaitlyn and the whole family on the startle of this new chapter!

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Unfortunately, in that location were also any crushed hearts and deplorable crying in February with the temporary of an incredible friend and D-advocate Judy Reich, who lived with T1D for about five decades. Many in the Doctor matte up the loss very deep, and we sawing machine tributes from Mike Durbin, Kelly Kunik and Stephen Shaul who've well-known Judy through the eld. We will certainly miss our D-Sister, and she'll never be forgotten.

Happy diaversary wishes date to our blogging friend and advocate Stephen Shaul at Happy Medium who marked 20 days with T1D this calendar month — along with very new DOC'er Ryan who marked his biennial diabetes day of remembrance freshly and vindicatory started his blog, Diabetes and More in my Life, this very calendar month!

Across the globe, many tuned in for the Wintertime Olympic Games ended in South Korea this past month. It was cool to read the International Diabetes Federation's blog about fellow type 1 William Palamara of Italy, who was chosen as an Champaign torchbearer to start off this round of Athletic contest competitions.

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To begin with in Feb, more than a dozen from our D-Community in New York met up for an #insulin4all discussion. We're pleased to regard these conversations occurrent in somebody, and appreciate this recap all over at T1international by D-twirp Emily Pisacreta.

An Ode To Diet Coke… that's about every bit good as it gets for many, right there. Yep, when those of us with diabetes are so often told what we buttocks and can't consume/drink/make, it's refreshing (ha!) to read something like this about dynamic views on what we go through. Even those WHO are fans of Pepsior other beverages will likely want to levy a glass to this fun diabetes post by Mollie at her Hugging the Cactus blog.

Australian D-peep Frank Sita atType 1 Writes has been observation the #WeAreNotWaiting movement, with its wave of homemade closed iteration technology. But he's non so sure connected moving forward therewith for himself at the moment for various reasons; atomic number 2 shared his POV happening that in his Wherefore I Am Ready blog post. Cheers to personal choice, Frank, we feel you!

OMG, this 5-minute musical number is hilarious and completely valuable checking out — A Scientific Sea Sea chantey: Banteng's Imparted Eld. What a fun, yet educational, video tribute to insulin atomic number 27-inventor Dr. Frederick Banting… Thanks to Kelly Kunik at Diabetesaliciousness for piece of writing about it and sharing it broadly across the DOC!

Our friend Kerri Sparling atSixUntilMe  has any fun with the children's record book serial, "That's Not My…" that occupies her bookshelves at home. We had to LOL at her creative That's Non My Pancreas artwork at that place, for sure.

No matter how petrous we assay to live our lives uninterrupted, we sporty can't escape the reality that diabetes screams for our attention on occasion. Longtime type 1 Sonny boy Lindahl at Test Guess &adenylic acid; Go shares a story astir that recently, when she went to visit her sister who also happens to be livelihood with T1D.

Finally, our D-Community is a come in with sol many voices and POVs. Piece some concentrate on advocacy and others connected peer support, it's critical to recognise everyone and listen to their perspectives. T1 PWD Hannah Crabtree, a vocal #insulin4all advocate, delved into the organic evolution of the DOC in her Recent epoch Community Affairs post along a newly-created Github site. "The Diabetes Online Profession is besides more view in recent times than in the past. The stakes have never been higher," she writes. "Cerebration on the far side just diabetes, we need subcultures betrothed in advocacy, activism and challenging the status quo."

We share our favorites each month, and would bon to include yours. Please institutionalise on your D-post picks for the month of March to the States via email. We look forward to hearing from y'all.